JOHN DEERE ZERO TURNJOHN DEERE ZERO TURN - Changed oil & filter and sharpened the blades. Justin Fiegel 501-422-2575 #Mechanic #MobileMechanic #Arkansas #Cen
KUBOTA M7060KUBOTA M7060 - Performed an oil change. Justin Fiegel 501-422-2574 #mechanic #mobilemechanic #arkansas #centralarkansas #smallbusiness...
2006 SEA BREEZE MOTORHOME2006 SEA BREEZE MOTORHOME - Drained and refilled rear differential and changed engine oil Justin Fiegel 501-422-2574
John Deere 155c Riding LawnmowerJohn Deere 155c Riding Lawnmower - Changed Oil and Changed Spindke Bearings.