NEW HOLLAND 553 SKID STEERNEW HOLLAND 553 SKID STEER - Replaced Front & Rear Left Wheel Seals and Replaced the Alternator. Justin Fiegel 501-422-2574 #Mechanic...
GEHL CTL55 SKID STEERGEHL CTL55 SKID STEER - Repaired a wiring issue and tightened up the tracks. Justin Fiegel 501-422-2574 #Mechanic #MobileMechanic #Arkansa
KUBOTA SVL75-2KUBOTA SVL75-2- Replaced the A/C Compressor, Belt, and Recharged the System. Justin Fiegel 501-422-2574 #Mechanic #MobileMechanic #Arkansa
CAT 279D SKID STEERCAT 279D SKIDSTEER - Replaced four bottom track rollers, Replaced the AC Compressor, Recharged the system, and Built a Wiring Harness for th
2015 T650 Bobcat Skidsteer2015 T650 Bobcat Skidsteer - Inspected the drive belt and tightened it up to factory specs. Justin Fiegel 501-422-2574
Kubota SVL 90-2 SkidsteerKubota SVL 90-2 Skidsteer - Replaced high-flow hydraulic coupling block and couplers.